Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 3

I am feeling very positive about my decision to get this implant today. I can still feel a tugging sensation in my arm but it is much less painful than yesterday. Also the period pains have gone and there is still no bleeding as of yet. I am actually starting to believe this is going to be a great contraceptive.....could it really be that I am actually going to be one of those people I have heard saying it's amazing, though I never believed them?

Day 2

I found it difficult to get to sleep last night as I had to sleep on my right side and I usually sleep on my left. Sleeping on my back or opposite side caused pressure on my implant arm and it was painful. Today I continued to have pain in my arm and I still cannot pick things up (even holding the kettle causes pain). It has been very itchy around the insertion site, a bit like a constant tickle that you cannot do anything about. I have also started to get "period pains" today, although I have no bleeding, I have been getting very thick discharge though like see through clots. I have taken off the pressure bandage today as it only needs leaving on for 24 hours (the plaster/band aid for 3-5 days) and there is no sign of bruising which is good, last time I had my Implanon inserted I had a massive bruise which was there for weeks. I'm just hoping that my arm stops hurting soon as I am getting sick of having to do everything with one hand.

Day 1 (22/01/2013)

Today I had my Implanon removed and replaced with the new contraceptive implant Nexplanon. The doctor numbed my arm before doing the procedure. The removal/insertion of the implant did not hurt, you can just feel a tugging sensation but the anesthetic did hurt a little (a sharp, stinging pain). Once this had been done, she put a large plaster/band aid over the incision areas (you do not get stitches) and then wrapped the area up in a bandage.
    Nothing has happened today in regards of side effects or bleeding, I have just been getting pain in the insertion site. I cannot lift things or use that arm at all but I guess this is normal as it has just been done.


Hi, I am starting this blog to share my experience of Nexplanon with you all. I previously had the Implanon contraceptive and had many problems with it so I decided to create a blog on this new implant. I had my Nexplanon implant fitted 2 days ago so I will start my posts from day 1 of replacement and continue to update you on how I am getting on with it.